Category Archives: Tights and Fights

The Tights and Fights: Ashes

Wow–it’s been a while, I’d almost forgot this book! More of a mini-book (I think 13 pages?). I coloured and lettered this for the webseries Tights and Fights…and now it’s available on their homepage! Art by Christopher Yao, script by Robert Pincombe. Click through and check it out:

The Tights and Fights:  Ashes comic book




Tights and Fights–FREE Preview Weekend

So, for this one little tiny short weekend, you can go to the Tights and Fights site and get a downloadable FREE version of the comic, written by Robert Pincombe, drawn by Christopher Yao, coloured and lettered by me, formerly KT Smith, currently Keiren Smith.

What’s the catch? The catch is they ask–nicely, ’cause they’re Canadian and all that–if you would be so kind as to join the e-mailing list for Tights and Fights and then they’ll send you a link to a downloadable version of the comic via that very email.

How easy is that? EASY.

So, click through and join in on the fun… TIGHTS AND FIGHTS.

Tights and Fights

Whew–haven’t posted since mid-December. I’ve actually been doing lots of behind-the-screen work on Ty’s blog (Ty Templeton’s ART LAND) but I’ve also been doing actual work. I can’t post stuff until it’s been approved by the publishers so I just try and be a very quiet colourist, keep my mouth shut and my eye on the computer screen.  But now! Tights and Fights has received their files, and one of the pages I coloured for them is up…

Tights and Fights is a webseries based on the wacky (mis)adventures of five superheroes:  Ronin Force. Check out the website for all the Whys, Wherefores and What nows…  I was hired to colour and letter a series of webcomics about each hero. All the art was done by Christopher Yao (might remember him from Toronto Cartoonists Workshop, “Fit to Print” project. Christopher drew the opening story in the Holmes Incorporated comic.) The project was organised by Rob Pincombe who wrote all the stories. When I find out where they will be posted and when, I’ll add that information here.

For now, the pinup/cover for Tights and Fights, featuring (clockwise upper right, Major Faultline, Evil Trojan Borscht, The Plumber, Captain Euchre, Fantabulous Gal and Leopard Woman) is up on their Facebook Page. Click through to join the page and keep on the releases of all their upcoming webisodes. Each character also has their own page on the website, a Facebook page and a Twitter account to follow (check each character’s webpage to follow them on Twitter).