Tag Archives: Marcus MAS Smith

Work, work, work!

Since I’ve been so busy over in Art Land, I haven’t been posting some of the stuff I’ve been working on…

Ty was approached earlier in the year to contribute a pinup to a cool, ambitious  project out of Montreal–an all-Canadian superhero/supervillain webseries, called Heroes of the North. The webseries is the biggest part of the project, but they’re also doing a novella, video games…and comic books. Ty did the cover for the first one, and in the midst of promoting his work and the series itself (did I mention that it’s Canadian? And superheroes? And supervillains? And from Montreal so, automatically, cool?), the producer found out that I letter comics…and asked me if I could jump on board to help letter from Issue 2 on, as his artist, Marcus MAS Smith was killing himself doing all the pencilling, inking, colouring and lettering. And when you see MAS’ stuff, you realize that he’s been  working his ASS off!

So, ’tis the smallest part of this enormous project…but I’ve done a little bit of lettering for them. So far just Issue 2 (listed as Episode 5 and 10–but read all of ’em)…and four more issues to come.

Check out the website…watch the webseries, read the comics. And see just how polite Canadian superheroes really are when dealing with Canadian supervillains.